Ingram Micro Quote Importer Setup

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Ingram Micro Quote Importer Setup

The Ingram Micro Quote Importer Setup has two different setup steps.

To sign up:

1.Open your web browser and go to If you do not have an account yet, click on the "Sign Up" link. If you do have an account skip to step 3.

2.Sign up for the new account using your Customer Number and your contact information. Once you sign up, click on the confirmation email to verify your account.

3.After your account has been setup and verified, login and click on the [Add App] button.

4.You'll see the "New App" window. Give your app the name of QuoteWerks or QuoteWerks Importer or something similar.

5.Under the "API Catalog" section, click and enable all of the options. If you have your Ingram Micro Sales Rep's email, include that as well for faster approval.

6.Click on the [Add App] button to save the changes.

7.After being created, you should see your new app in the list, click on it.

8.You'll be brought to the App information and at the top of the window you'll see the API keys box. Copy the Client ID and the Client Secret to a Word document or Notepad. You'll need these in a minute for QuoteWerks.

9.Open QuoteWerks and click on Tools-> Options-> Real-time Setup-> Ingram Micro (if it's not already open).

10. Paste the Client ID, Client Secret, and add your Customer Number in the proper fields.

11. Click [Ok] to save the changes.


Map Ingram Micro Field to QuoteWerks Field

These options enable users to map the Ingram Micro Quote Number, Expiration Date, and the Line Item Comments to a CustomText or CustomMemo fields in QuoteWerks. When mapped, the information in these fields from Ingram Micro will automatically be populated in the QuoteWerks quote.

The Ingram Micro Quote Importer is available on the Grid Toolbar.