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Writing Information Back to MS CRM

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When you save a quote, you will have the option to write back information to MS CRM.

Note:These write-back links will not be displayed if you are saving a quote template.

All of the following features require that you have pulled the account/contact information into the Sold to / Ship to tab of the Quote Workbook. When this is done, the MS CRM Account or Contact record ID is embedded into the quote. QuoteWerks then uses this record ID to write information back to MS CRM.

Please click the following topics to learn more about writing information back to MS CRM:

Creating a new Company record from the Sold to/ Ship to tab

Creating/Updating a Linked Document in MS CRM

Creating/Updating a Follow-Up Call in MS CRM

Creating/Updating a Sales Opportunity in MS CRM

Freight in MS CRM

Closing an MS CRM Sales Opportunity as Won

Version 5.2 (Build 8.12)  - July 7th, 2017