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Importing Templates

The Contact Import Wizard gives you the opportunity to save it’s settings into a template that can be used in the future. The next time you need to run that import, you can load the import settings from the import template, rather than having to re-do all the settings again.

Saving Templates

After you have entered all the settings into the import wizard, you may want to save these settings to a template so that the next time you do this import, you will not have to re-do the settings. You save the settings to a template by selecting the [Save Import Settings to Template] button on Options tab of the Contact Import Wizard, and then specify a file name for the template.

Loading Templates

When starting the Contact Import Wizard, there is an option to load the wizard with settings from a template that was previously created. After loading a template, you will only need to click on the [Start Import] button and the import process will begin using the settings from the template.

Advanced Template Information

The import templates are stored as text files in the QuoteWerks directory with a .CIT extension. You can modify them directly with a text editor like NOTEPAD.EXE. Directly modifying the CIT file is not necessary, but advanced users may prefer to modify the template file directly.

Version 5.2 (Build 8.12)  - July 7th, 2017