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Recurring Tab

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The following describes the use of the key fields on the Recurring tab. These options correspond to the "Is Recurring" Line Attribute used in the quote workbook.

Billing Cycle

Here you can set whether this product recurs Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly or Annual.

Cycle Basis

Here you can determine how the billing due date is determined. As an example, if the Start Date of the recurring item is March 22nd and this option is set to Start of Cycle, the billing date will begin on April 1st and be billed on the first of every month following. If the cycle is set to be a Specific Date, the billing cycle will begin on April 22nd and be billed on the 22nd of every month following.

Include First Payment in Document Total

Often when selling something that has a monthly fee, you would require the first month’s payment upfront. Choosing this “Include First Payment in Document Total” option will do that. If you do not choose this option, then the monthly fee will not be included in the quote subtotal.

The use of recurring revenue is explained in detail under General Tab.

Version 5.2 (Build 8.12)  - July 7th, 2017