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QuoteWerks Dashboard

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The QuoteWerks Dashboard contains three different dashboards for reporting on QuoteWerks document information.  The first is the My Summary which includes a high-level overview of your total dollar amount and number of quotes and orders from the current month, last month, and two months ago as well as some basic quota information. The second is the QuoteValet Dashboard which provides users with access to all information on documents delivered via QuoteValet.  The third dashboard, Opportunities Dashboard, provides more detailed analysis and insight on QuoteWerks documents by sales rep.  This information is sortable by date range and includes quota information, top selling items, and much more.

The QuoteWerks Dashboard is accessible by clicking Dashboard on the main toolbar.


The Dashboard contains three separate dashboard views for users:

My Summary Dashboard

QuoteValet Dashboard

Opportunities Dashboard

Version 5.2 (Build 8.12)  - July 7th, 2017