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Importing Tech Data Price Files

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Important:   Importing Tech Data price files is outdated, and has been replaced with the QuoteWerks Product Content Subscription (Powered by Etilize). We strongly recommend that you do not import Tech Data price files.

Initially, the only way to get a list of all Tech Data's products to add to a quote was to import their TDPartSmart text file, which you'd have to download daily from their website. It was very time consuming to download and import product files that contained over 400,000 products. Additionally, the information in this file was very basic; most notably, the product description was very cryptic and technical, which was not presentable to the customer.

If you still choose to import Tech Data TDPartSmart price files, you can then use the Real-time feature to get real-time prices and warehouse availability for those products. Product Content Subscription vs. Real-time Module Explanation

Tech Data TDPartSmart

Tech Data provides users with text files that can be imported into QuoteWerks. The templates to import these files are located in the QuoteWerks import wizard already. Users simply need to select the template and ensure they have the correct file selected when running the import wizard. The two import templates are listed as TechDataPartSmart>MaterialImport_Step1.pit which should be run first. It will prompt you to select the price file if it’s not located in the Tech Data folder in QuoteWerks. After that import has been run users can run TechDataPartSmart>MaterialImport_Step2.pit to finish the import. This will also prompt you to select the correct file before running the import.

Tech Data FTP Price File Download

For select Tech Data customers, Tech Data also provides a text file that can be downloaded from their FTP site. Typically the customer must do around $2.5M in annual sales to qualify for the FTP price file. An FTP file is not automatically available to you. You must first contact Tech Data ‘Electronic Commerce Support’ at 1-800-222-7926 and request the file be prepared for you. Since this file is specifically prepared for you, you can request which of the 300,000 plus products that Tech Data carries are included in the file. If you only sell some of those products, you can request that the FTP file only contains items or manufacturer’s line that you sell. The file will not contain any products that you are unauthorized to sell. The pricing in this file is specific to your account, and includes manufacturer special rebate pricing (such as “Cisco Gold VAR” pricing) that you may have uniquely qualified for.

If you download your product and pricing information from Tech Data through this FTP price file, you will instead need to import this product information into one of the QuoteWerks native product databases using the Product Import Wizard. Product imports can be automated to occur unattended outside of business hours.

Note:You must already be a Tech Data customer before you can gain access to their site and product downloads.


Related Topics:

Integrating Tech Data Products

Using Real-time Pricing & Availability

QuoteWerks Product Content Subscription (Powered by Etilize)

Version 5.2 (Build 8.12)  - July 7th, 2017