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Google Contacts Integration

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This section will take you through the steps of integrating your Google Contacts CRM with QuoteWerks.

Important:   Each user in your installation will need to follow these steps under their Tools-> My Preferences menu option before they can use QuoteWerks and Google Contacts.  Additionally, this setup can only be done in the Google Chrome browser.  


Select the Contacts -> Setup Contact Manager menu to choose your contact manager. Select the Google Contacts option:

Google Contacts User Credentials

QuoteWerks needs your Google Contacts Client ID and Client Secret to log into and integrate with Google Contacts. These credentials can be specified for the currently logged in user on this setup window as shown above, OR the Contact Manager Tab of the user’s Tools -> My Preferences menu.


Authorizing QuoteWerks to Integrate with Google Contacts

QuoteWerks integrates with Google Contacts through our QuoteWerks Product Content Server which is physically located in Orlando, Fla. Because of this, Google may detect that your account is being logged in to from geographically distant places, especially if you're attempting this integration outside of the USA. If this happens, Google will automatically close off third-party logins to accounts, thus preventing Google Contacts from integrating with QuoteWerks.

To resolve this issue, users need to open an email that should have been sent to the Gmail account of the account with this restriction. The email begins with the subject, "Suspicious sign in prevented", with the first line of the email stating, "Someone recently used your password to try to sign in to your Google Account...".

Users need to click the link in the email provided which opens a knowledge base article on Google that gives several suggestions for a remedy. There is a suggestion that will resolve the issue:

"If you're still having problems, visit and sign in with your Gmail username and password. If necessary, enter the letters in the distorted picture."

Clicking on that link provides users with the option to open their account back up to third-party connections (basically allowing QuoteWerks authorization into the system). Once this is done, then Google Contacts should work as a CRM for QuoteWerks without issue.


Setting up Google’s APIs to work with QuoteWerks

Follow these steps to authorize QuoteWerks to access your Google Contacts:

1.Click on the [Google Contacts Setup] button.


2.The “Google Contacts Setup” window will open.  Click on the [View Google API Console] link.


3.This will open your web browser and prompt you to login using your Google account (if you have not done so yet).



4.Once you log in using your Google Account credentials, you will now be in the Google Developer Console.  This is where you can create a new project by clicking on Create Project.


5.Next, enter the name of your project (QuoteWerks) and click Create.



6.You are now in your project the Google Developers Console.  In the middle of the screen, click on the Use Google APIs menu to view the available API options.



7.Under Google Apps APIs there is a Contacts API option.  Click on that option.



8.Click on Enable API for contacts.


9.Once the API has been enabled, click on the Go to Credentials option on the right-hand side of your browser.


10.In the Credentials screen, click on the API you are using (should already be set to Contacts, but change if not).  Next, change the "Where will you be calling the API from?" option to Other UI (e.g. Windows, CLI Tool).  Finally, set the third option to User Data.


11.Enter in the product name (QuoteWerks) and click Continue at the bottom of the window.


12.After you continue, you should now see the Client ID.  This can be copied to your clipboard now or later.  Click on I'll do this later to continue.



13. The next step is to click on the QuoteWerks project name.  This will let you see the client secret you need to complete the setup.


14.The Client ID and Client Secret fields will now be visible.




15.Copy the Client ID and the Client Secret codes and paste them into the corresponding fields in QuoteWerks.




16.Click on Get Access Token button.  When the new browser window appears click Accept to grant QuoteWerks access to your Google Contacts.



17.You’ll be given an Access Token.  Copy and paste this Access Token into QuoteWerks.



18.Finally, Click Get Refresh Token in Step 3 of the Setup in QuoteWerks.  This should automatically populate a refresh token for you.


19.Click OK to finish and click OK again to exit the Contact setup.


Pulling Google Contact Information into QuoteWerks

Select the Sold to / Ship to Tab in QuoteWerks. Click on the icon to search for a contact from Google Contacts. Use the Sold to, Ship to, Bill to fields or All to add your contact to the document in QuoteWerks.

When you are finished selecting contacts, click on the [Close] button. You will be returned to the Sold to/ Ship to tab and the selected contacts will be pre-filled in the Sold to/Ship to/Bill to fields.

Tip:If the phone number from your Google Contacts record doesn't show up in QuoteWerks, it could be because the phone number labels in Google do not match the appropriate address labels. To rectify this, log in to Google Contacts, edit the contact in question, and set the labels on the address and corresponding phone number to match. Then try to bring the contact into QuoteWerks again.

Version 5.2 (Build 8.12)  - July 7th, 2017