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General Tab

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Information about the different sections of the ConnectWise Setup window's Opportunities tab > General sub-tab is outlined below.

Completion of Sales Forecast from QuoteWerks

QuoteWerks provides you with the flexibility to control when a sales opportunity created by QuoteWerks in ConnectWise will be converted to a completed sale. The ConnectWise sales opportunity can be completed by QuoteWerks in the following ways:

Automatic when converting to Order (File > Convert to Order)

Automatic when converting to Invoice (File > Convert to Invoice)

Never, which means QuoteWerks will never attempt to complete the Opportunity, the Opportunity will need to be manually updated within ConnectWise.  This provides a greater level of control for sales managers or administrators who'd prefer to manually close Opportunities from within ConnectWise rather than have QuoteWerks close them automatically.


Include Cost In Opportunity Line Items

Here, you can choose whether you want the cost value associated with the quote’s line items to be sent to the ConnectWise Opportunity.

Write QuoteWerks SoldTo PO Number 'CustPO#' to Opportunity.

This option associates the PO Number set on the Sale Info tab in QuoteWerks to the linked Opportunity in ConnectWise.

Default QuoteWerks Item Type for QuoteWerks Items with no Item Type

The QuoteWerks ItemType field is used to map over to the ConnectWise Forecast Type.  For this reason, it is important that all QuoteWerks line item’s have an ItemType.  In cases where no ItemType is specified for a QuoteWerks line item, the ItemType will be set as defined in this section.

Default Location and Business Unit

This is where users can set their Default Location and Business Units when creating their Opportunities in ConnectWise from QuoteWerks.  Users have the option of changing these defaults when creating the opportunity but this will be the default setting.

Default Opportunity / Forecast Status

Under these settings users can select the default statuses for their Opportunity and Forecasts. The drop-down box will pull directly from ConnectWise so users can choose the correct statuses for each of their Forecasts and Opportunities when created from QuoteWerks.

Important:   For clarification, we recommend not truly winning the ConnectWise Opportunity in QuoteWerks (i.e., having QuoteWerks set the ConnectWise Opportunity status to "Won" specifically). We instead suggest setting the "Won" opportunity with a status like "Won in QuoteWerks", which would require you to create a new status in ConnectWise. This way, the won Opportunity does not get lost in your ConnectWise boards. This also ensures the Opportunity is handled completely within ConnectWise, by ConnectWise.

Default Create Sales Order from Opportunity checkbox on ConnectWise Opportunity Integration Window

This selection will automatically check the checkbox on the opportunity window in QuoteWerks to create the sales order in ConnectWise.  It can also be manually changed in the integration window as needed.

Default Create Agreements from Opportunity checkbox on ConnectWise Opportunity Integration Window

This selection will automatically check the checkbox on the opportunity window in QuoteWerks to create the Agreement in ConnectWise.  It can also be manually changed in the integration window as needed.

See the following topics for information about the other sub-tabs under the ConnectWise Setup window's Opportunities tab:

Forecast lines Tab

Shipping Tab

Version 5.2 (Build 8.12)  - July 7th, 2017