You are here:  QuoteWerks Help > CHAPTER 11: Product and Service Management > Real-time Module > Using > Setup

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The integration requires an Affiliate ID and DFF token. These are equivalent to a user id and password. If you leave these blank, the default QuoteWerks account will be used. When you setup a account you have the ability to choose which online merchants you would like to include in your searches. If you use the default QuoteWerks account, the searches will only return results from online merchants associated with the default QuoteWerks account.

On the tab of the Real-time tab on the Tools -> Options menu, there is a hyperlink that will take you directly to their website registration page. On the registration page you will need to fill out your contact details and agree to the application terms. After you submit the requested information, you will receive an email from containing your login credentials.

Note:The Real-time tab will only be available if you have a Real-Time module License Key in your QuoteWerks installation.

Step 1: Once you have your Affiliate ID and DFF Token, go to the Real-time tab of the Tools -> Options menu, then select Real-time Setup option. Finally, click on the tab.

Affiliate ID

Enter in your Affiliate ID here.

DFF Token

Enter in your DFF Token here.

Description Type

Choose your Description Type here. There are three options: Title, Description and Long Description. Not all merchants provide a Title so if one is not found, an abbreviated Description will be returned instead.

Tax Code

Choose whether you want items returned from to default as Taxable or Non-taxable when they are added to the quote workbook.


Step 2: You are now ready to start using the product source. When you click the [Ok] button on the Tools -> Options menu, QuoteWerks will then create the product source, which is then accessed by going to Products -> Lookup.

Version 5.2 (Build 8.12)  - July 7th, 2017