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Customizing the Tools Menu using MENUOPTS.ADD

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Before the robust Tools -> Customize menu functionality was added to QuoteWerks, QuoteWerks supported the ability to add custom menu items to the Tools Menu by manually editing the menuopts.add file. QuoteWerks still supports the outdated menuopts.add file even through it is limited in functionality as compared to its replacement.

In order to add a menu item using this method, you must edit the text file MENUOPTS.ADD which is located in the QuoteWerks directory. You will need to use a text editor such as NOTEPAD.EXE that comes with Windows.

Each line in the MENUOPTS.ADD file will add a menu item to your customized menu.

Formatting the MENUOPTS.ADD Text

Each line has the following format:

{Menu Item Text}=[{Working Directory}]{space}{Executable Name and Path}

To add a separator bar which separates menu items with a line, enter a hyphen followed by an equals sign on a line. (-=)

You can also use QuoteWerks macro fields like the &DH_DocNo field to pass document information to the command line. For example the following command line would cause notepad to open the dtf file for the currently open document:

Notepad List=notepad.exe c:\program files\quotewerks\dtf\&DH_DocNo.dtf

You can also use the macros %ProgramFiles%, %CommonFiles% and %MyDocuments% to represent the location of the “\Program Files\”, "\Common Files\" and "\My Documents\" folders respectively, wherever they are located. For example, you can start an external program and have it open a document in your My Documents folder with the following command:

Custom Application=%ProgramFiles%\ABCApp\app.exe %MyDocuments%\readme.text

The following is an example of a MENUOPTS.ADD file, showing all possible uses:





Tech Data Online for Windows=[%Program Files%\td200] %ProgramFiles%\td200\cod.exe


  Ingram for DOS=[f:\bin\ingramw] f:\bin\ingramw\ingram.exe




Notepad List=notepad.exe c:\data\mylist.txt


Windows Explorer=explorer.exe




QuoteWerks Product


Intel Data Sheet=c:\data\intelmatrix.pdf

Version 5.2 (Build 8.12)  - July 7th, 2017