This option will create a completed sale record in GoldMine under the GoldMine History tab and is only available when the QuoteWerks document being saved is an ORDER or INVOICE. A quote is converted to an order or invoice using the File -> Convert to Order/Invoice menu. When this menu is selected, the completed sale window will also be displayed.
This completed sale can originate in several ways. First, if there is an existing forecasted sale for this quote, QuoteWerks will convert that existing forecasted sale into a completed sale. If there is no existing forecasted sale and this option is checked, then QuoteWerks will create a new completed sale. Lastly, if the completed sale already exists and you have made some changes to the order/invoice, then the completed sale record will be updated. The completed sale record will be created under the History tab in GoldMine. In GoldMine, you can run reports that tell you how much income was generated from the orders you have received. QuoteWerks also has a built-in reporting module that can create similar reports.
Once you have pressed the [OK] button from the File -> Save window, the “GoldMine Forecasted Sale/Opportunity” window will appear allowing you to enter information about the completed sale such as activity code, result code, user, close date, etc. The quote name and number are placed in the “product” field of the GoldMine completed sale record to assist in your GoldMine reporting. The “Notes the customer will not see” from the NOTES tab of the quote are automatically placed in the notes of the completed sale.
UserSettings\UserConfig\LostSaleResultCode=Lost UserSettings\UserConfig\CompletedSaleResultCode=Sale |