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Creating Account Notes in Autotask

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Create Account Notes in Autotask

When you're saving a document, the “Create Account Notes” checkbox will appear on the Save window.

Note:This checkbox will NOT appear if you are saving a quote template.

After you hit [Ok] and have created the opportunity, you have the ability to create an Autotask Account Note:

This note can be linked to the account, contact, and the opportunity. This enables users to create notes for other Autotask users about this particular quote including follow-up calls, meetings, notes, etc.. You also have the option of creating just 1 [Save and Close] or creating many [Save and New].


See also:

Autotask Online/Offline Status

Creating or Updating a Sales Opportunity in Autotask

Creating or Updating a Quote in Autotask

Recurring Revenue in Autotask


Version 5.2 (Build 8.12)  - July 7th, 2017