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Correcting an Incorrect QuoteWerks Remote PC or Remote Site Installation

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You did not follow the instructions in the manual, and installed QuoteWerks on your Remote PCs, and incorrectly entered the master license key into all of the Remote PC installations instead of the appropriate Remote PC License Key. How do you correct the problem?

To correct this problem, you will need to delete* the \QuoteWerks\docs.mdb and \QuoteWerks\security.mdb files from the remote PC’s installation of QuoteWerks. Then, install QuoteWerks back into the same directory. This procedure will erase all licensing information and user security settings. At this point, you can follow the “Configuring a Remote PC installation of QuoteWerks” instructions to setup this Remote PC installation correctly.

Note:Deleting the \QuoteWerks\docs.mdb file from the Remote PC QuoteWerks installation will delete all quotes and quote templates in the installation. Deleting the \QuoteWerks\security.mdb file will delete the list of user logins, and their security rights. This is the only way to correct an incorrectly installed Remote PC installation. If you have quotes in this installation that you do not want to lose, QuoteWerks Support Services can recover the quotes for a fee.

Version 5.2 (Build 8.12)  - July 7th, 2017