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CHAPTER 32: Command-Line Options

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Generally speaking, you will double-click on a shortcut on your desktop to start QuoteWerks, or you will select a QuoteWerks menu item from your Windows Start -> Programs -> QuoteWerks menu to start QuoteWerks.

This shortcut then runs the actual QuoteWerks program file qw.exe. If you select your QuoteWerks shortcut or menu item, and right click and select the Properties menu, you will see on the Shortcut tab the command line used to start and run QuoteWerks. This is displayed in the “Target:” box:

Typically the command line will be:


QuoteWerks supports command-line parameters that can be used in conjunction with the command line used to start QuoteWerks. Command line parameters can be used to control the startup behavior of QuoteWerks. For example, when QuoteWerks starts, it always asks you to enter your login id and password. You can use command line parameters to pass the login id and password to QuoteWerks so that it does not have to ask you for it. There are many command line parameters supported by QuoteWerks.


For more information on parameters, see the following sub topics:

Parameter Syntax

Available Command-Line Parameters

Version 5.2 (Build 8.12)  - July 7th, 2017