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CHAPTER 20: Management Reports

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QuoteWerks includes a built-in management report designer. This report designer can be used to create reports on your quote and product information using data stored in the quote/order/invoice or in a product database. You can create commission and outstanding quote reports, daily sales reports, or reports on the sales of a specific product line. You can also create product/price catalogs for your customers (including customer specific pricing), as well as detail reports on your product lines.

Management Reports Window

Management reports are both maintained and run from the same location. Select the Reports -> Management Reports menu to display the Management Reports window:

From this window you can create a new report, edit an existing report, delete a report, clone a report, print/preview/export, and save as pdf a report.

Each report can be named, and this name is displayed in the “Report Name” column.

Note:Pressing F5 while in the list of reports will cause the list to be reloaded. This is typically used to refresh the list of available documents when, for example, you moved a new report file into the QuoteWerks Reports folder while QuoteWerks is already running. Until you refresh this list, the new report file will not appear.

Report File Components

The information about a report is stored in two files:

Report Configuration File

All the information about the report, such as the report name, the filter details, which database should be used for the report, and which layout is being used by the report is stored in a “Report Configuration File” file. This file has an .rcf extension and the file name is displayed under the “Config File Name” column.

Layout File Name

The second file used in a report is the layout file which determines the look and feel of the report. This file has an .fpc extension and the file name is displayed under the “Layout File Name” column.


For more information on management reports, see the following sub topics:

Printing, Previewing, Exporting and Saving as PDF

Designing a Report

Creating a Report Filter

Version 5.2 (Build 8.12)  - July 7th, 2017