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Activity Scheduler

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The Activity Scheduler is found under the Utilities menu:

This can be used to automate the execution of tasks by scheduling the task to run at a certain time, or at certain intervals.

There are several types of activities you can schedule using the scheduler.

Merge Remote Documents

Update Tech Data database indexes

Import Products using a template


An activity can be set to run at a specified time, for example, after the office is closed for the day, or at an interval like every 2 hours. After the activity has been selected and the Wait button has been pressed, the Activity Scheduler must be left open. If the X button is pressed, the activity will be canceled. Only one activity can be scheduled for execution using the Activity Scheduler. If you need to schedule more than one activity for automated execution, you will need to use an external scheduling program like the scheduler that comes with Windows, and then use the QuoteWerks command line parameters to run the appropriate activity.

Version 5.2 (Build 8.12)  - July 7th, 2017