QuoteWerks Knowledgebase Topic (Article ID 6440)
Recommended size for SQL server databaseThis information applies to : |
Article ID 6440 Created/Updated May 21, 2007 Category Support
Can you tell me the recommended spec of the server leaving room for expansion for the database to increase in size by, for example, 3 times? Solution: Please note that we do not have a designated minimum size for your SQL database since there are several factors that need to be considered when allocating space requirements for you QuoteWerks database such as: - How many users will you have writing quotes on a daily basis? - How many quotes do you create a day? - How many product sources do you have? - How many product sources will you have in the future? To best calculate the size of your SQL database, I would recommend using the following guidelines: - Open the QuoteWerks directory where all of your QuoteWerks native database files are stored (These will be MS Access databases *.MDB) - Add up the total combined size of all the databases - Determine how much time is has taken for your databases to get to this combined size (For Example: In 3 years your databases are a combined total of 300Mb) - Calculate how much bigger the files will be in double the time frame. (For example: in another 3 years your database will have doubled to 600Mb ) (Pay special consideration to the docs.mdb file since this is where the documents are stored in and is the "workhorse" database file) |
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